Get ahead in 2021 with Malcolm!

Like the rest of the world the team at Malcolm! HQ are happy to see the back of 2020. But we are full of optimism for 2021!

A fresh year is a great time to review things and make improvements - and that applies to companies and organisations as well as individuals. Whatever sort of work you do, our mission at Malcolm! is to help you do it even better - and who doesn’t want to be better :-)

We gained thousands of new Malcolm! customers in 2020 and one of the most exciting things about that has been seeing how those customers use our product more and more, discover new features and let us know how Malcolm! has helped their business.

If you are interested in making Malcolm! part of a 2021 “do things better” resolution, we'd recommend the following approach

  • Pick your audience: who do you interact with most? It may be customers, suppliers or perhaps other staff.
  • Think about the knowledge you regularly share with that audience or a process you often go through with them.
  • Digitise it in Malcolm! Create FAQs to replicate your knowledge and Workflows (digital forms) to mirror your process.
  • Decide how you are going to share your content with your audience - you could use our hosted hub or embed Malcolm! content into your current website, intranet or extranet.

And that’s it! Spend an hour on setting up the above, share it with your users and see how things develop.  We’re confident Malcolm! will rapidly become invaluable, and you’ll find yourself using it more and more! And don’t forget we are adding new features all the time.

Get started here or contact us to ask questions here - we are always here to help.

Best wishes for 2021 from all at Malcolm!