Service your customers better

Our no-code platform makes it easy!

  • Powerful, easy to use knowledge base software
  • Online form builder with conditional logic & automated follow-ups
  • Use publicly with your customers or internally with your team
  • SEO optimised, fully brandable, use your own domain
  • Continually improve via customer feedback
  • Have a standalone portal and/or bring content into your current site or app via embeds, widgets, popups or plugins
  • And so much more! Discover our industry leading feature set
Get Started here
Supercharge your user experience
Deliver your knowledge, expertise & process 24/7/365
Plug into the best tools & apps

The 6 steps to customer servicing transformation with Malcolm!

Let Malcolm! take the strain when you service, interact & engage with your users.

1. Users

Step 1 - Choose your audience

Identify the audience you’ll use Malcolm! with. It’s usually customers but you can also use Malcolm! with staff, suppliers etc - anyone you regularly communicate with.

2. Knowledge

Step 2 - Capture your knowledge

Create FAQs or articles to give your customers more information about your product or service, answer commonly asked questions, produce step by steps, how-tos, detail your policies and so on.

3. Tasks

Step 3 - Digitise your common service related tasks and procedures

Use Workflows to make digital forms and/or multi-step user journeys that take your customers through routine service related requests or tasks. You can collect information, record choices, receive uploaded documents and even take payments.

4. Automate

Step 4 - Automate your follow ups

Set up the things you want to happen automatically each time a customer completes a Workflow. Send emails to the customer, your own staff or third parties like suppliers and/or send data to other applications and services via Integrations & Webhooks.

5. Branch

Step 5 - Customise your look and feel

Add your logo, choose your fonts, colours & other visual preferences so everything looks slick and matches your other digital assets.

6. Optimise

Step 6 - Empower your customers to self-serve and surface Malcolm! contextually

Put Malcolm! in front of your customers so they can help themselves 24/7/365. Choose from our hosted hub, floating widgets, overlays or inline embeds which let you bring Malcolm! content contextually into your existing websites & products.

The benefits of using Malcolm!

Change your business or organisation for the better right now!

All user types

All user types

Work with Customers, Staff, Suppliers, Students, Residents, Brokers, Affiliates, Patrons... you name it!

Save time

Save time

Let your users service themselves 24/7/365. Automate your processes.

Drive operational efficiency

Drive operational efficiency

Scale what you do with no people related bottlenecks.

Improve user experience

Improve user experience

Gain a competitive edge with happy users & inbuilt user feedback.

Bring everything together

Bring everything together

Easily plug into other systems and tools you use.

Track & manage

Track & manage

Our dashboard & control panel gives you oversight of all user activity.

Connect Malcolm! to your favourite apps and services

Integrations allow you to route data you collect in Malcolm! into third party services or your own in-house systems using web hooks. We also offer full API access for enterprise users.

Don't just take our word for it

All over the world businesses large and small love Malcolm!

Faster, better easier services

"It's so clever and a great off-the-shelf solution for FAQs and Customer Support Centre. It's also very affordable for SMEs and scale-up businesses like ours.

The tech is first class, the UX is excellent and the team at Malcolm! is very knowledgeable and always happy to offer support and advice."

Never looked back

"Easy implementation, highly cost effective, great customer support, SEO features out of the box.

A genuinely great customer experience - the team at Malcolm have been highly accommodating of our requests and have been very responsive in addressing any queries."

Try Malcolm! now

  • Free 14 days trial
  • Instant set-up
  • No credit card required
  • Cancel anytime
  • Value pricing
Get Started here

Trusted and recommended around the world