
Use some or all of our features to turbo charge your customer servicing.

FAQs and Knowledge Base

Let your users find their own answers using natural language search or by browsing a Knowledge Base. Plus users can rate your answers helping you continually improve.

More about FAQs & Knowledge Base
Info graphic displaying the features of the FAQs and Knowledge Base

User Workflows (no-code digital forms)

Take your customers through recurring tasks and procedures with Workflows. Present information and record choices. Create anything from a basic form to a complex multi-step customer journey. Start from scratch or use one of our pre-configured templates.

Create whatever you need!

More about Workflows
Autocomplete icon
Questionnaire icon
Wizards icon
Icon feedback
Info graphic displaying the features of User Workflows


Square & Stripe

Connect Malcolm! with your Square and Stripe accounts and take payments in Workflows from your customers.

Malcolm! takes no fees or commissions on your payments.

Embeds, Widgets, Overlays & Plugins

If you already have a website or app we make it super easy to implement Malcolm! with a variety of widgets and plugins.

Wordpress icon
Easy to use WordPress plugin available
Delivered icon
Embed into your current site with a few lines of code
Widget icon
Activate our widget anywhere on your site
Info graphic displaying the features of Widgets & Plugins


If you don't have a website or you'd like to create a dedicated area for the content within Malcolm! you'll love our hosted Hub.

Responsive icon
Fast and fully responsive
Branding icon
Comprehensive branding control
Fast setup icon
Get up and running in minutes
Domain options icon
Use your own domain or subdomain


Connect Malcolm! with over 1,000 third party apps or services. You can also integrate with your own systems via Webhooks.

Info graphic displaying the features of the API


If you're on an enterprise plan you'll enjoy access to our powerful API and SDKs. Integrate Malcolm! tightly with your other systems and enjoy full programatic access to all our functionality.

Manage & Analyse

Configure and Monitor all user activity in MyMalcolm - our powerful and simple to use control panel and dashboard.

See an Overview of MyMalcolm here
Admin screen: Comprehensive Analytics
Analytics icon
Comprehensive Analytics
Admin screen: Build Workflows
Drag and drop icon
Build Workflows
Admin screen: Manage Content
Version control icon
Manage Content
Admin screen: Branding Control
Media icon
Branding Control
Admin screen: Team Administration
Manage users icon
Team Administration
Admin screen: Integration Configuration
Integrations icon
Integration Configuration

And much much more!

See full list of features here

Service your customers better

Our no-code platform makes it easy!

  • Powerful, easy to use knowledge base software
  • Online form builder with conditional logic & automated follow-ups
  • Use publicly with your customers or internally with your team
  • SEO optimised, fully brandable, use your own domain
  • Continually improve via customer feedback
  • Have a standalone portal and/or bring content into your current site or app via embeds, widgets, popups or plugins
  • And so much more! Discover our industry leading feature set
Get Started here