If you work in theatre or entertainment you'll be familiar with show reports. Whilst their use is commonplace most companies, producers or stage managers will have their own bespoke format which caters to their particular production and the information they want to capture, record, distribute and archive.
The good news is Malcolm! is also super flexible so it's quick and easy to create a digital replica of your exact show report template.

The benefits of using Malcolm! software for your show reports include:
- creating an automatic archive of all submitted reports
- ability to automatically email details of a completed show report to a distribution list
- ability to generate email alerts based on certain criteria, eg if an issue with props or lighting is recorded an automatic email trigger can send details of the issue to those teams
- by using Malcolm! integrations you can do cool things like put details of each show report into a Google Sheet

You could even go a stage further and create a production portal using the hosted hub functionality of Malcolm! Use the portal to share production information, logistical information and your organisational procedures. Create Workflows (digital forms) for all your recurring production related tasks and admin. Add password protection so only authorised members of your company can access.
If you are interested in this use case of Malcolm! and would like to discuss further and/or need a hand setting things up don't hesitate to get in touch!